Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Project Vienna - #4 - 22 October 2008 - Individualistic (creative) Party

Once again, Hi there!

There has been for a long time some drive to be creatively active, within a group of my friends and me.
Two of them created the band called "Erosion".
But this was not the end of our longing for creativity.

But mainly all these activities were driven, and possible through and by our friendships.
We never had a uniting concept, besides the band and the meetings, how we should approach our endeavour.
This diversity, bound together by our friendship-culture, which is not to be defined, is our capital, and the challenge to old concepts of creative interaction and collaboration (cooperation).

The only thing, which I want to say, is that I do not want to force us into any concept, or any concept over us. Because it is not possible, and not equal, as well as artificial to our friendships, which never had a concept, besides the very deep friendships.

But still I have the feeling, that for being creative we need a symbol, a representation, a trademark for our creativity. Not for us, but to represent the creative unit we form.

And here comes the concept, and paradox. Because it would be perverse to enforce a group which is so intuitively generated, in the purest form of friendship, that it would be perverse, to present us as a unit, and also to set us in relation to "the others".

So the message would maybe, that we want to tell the others, that we are no group, and do not want to build up that wall between you and us, because then we would force us into a more fixed form.
Thus our group is more a wish, and concept of interaction.
We want to interact as free and creative with you, as we do with each other within our friendship.

I must correct me, because I cannot speak of "us", because I am just one part of it. Thus I want to represent our individualistic party, as a group of friends, that is organised in that type of individualistic (creative) party, and also interacts internally and externally like such.

Inspiration for that idea, gave me the attendance, by me and one of my friends, of the Viennese Zombie Brood, organised by a very creative Viennese group, called monochrom.
Further inspired by that very interesting whole concept of flash mobs, which I now include into the concept of individualistic (creative) party.
For explanation, party is here used in a multiple sense, especially as a celebration. This celebration, is very important, because celebrating what we have by haveing each other, or what we have and can achieve, is far too seldom celebrated, and thus not felt anymore, an all our existance is constructed only on our individuality, it is then not suprising that all of our life is controlled by competition thinking.
Thus it also points out the group, a creative, but very individualistic and even anonym network.
Thus concentrating on you and the proper concentration on your world, not killing your individuality, or the specialness of your friendships, acting within this loosely connected mob, is one main concern. But at the same time, pronouncing the binding excitement, rather than a centre or central concept, like only a concert or better put, music, or a flash mob could provide.

It is something that binds, but doesn't need a body, it is omnipresent, and is the strongest representation of the modern individualistic feeling of togetherness, that is very much provided by networks, especially communities, internet, or even new generations of web 2.0 religious groups, which have no definition or example yet, but they somewhat echo in the dark, just waiting to come into existence.

"Les Assistantes"

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Project Vienna - #3 - 3 August 2008: One month short films - A review.

Hi, there!

Though I was not able in the last month to find a starting point, for a bigger "Project Vienna", like a well planned short film, an essay-collection volume, a Quote-Wiki/collection volume, or even a fantasy short stories-collection volume; me and a very good friend of mine, have created three, rather beginner stylisch short films, which I want to present you here.

It is more mere out of lack, of beeing able to show to you on progress, that I wanted to show you at least something!

Well here are the three videos: 1.) supposed to be a horror short film; 2.) was to be supposed a horror short film, but it ended up to be a clownish, but, as far as I am considered, a rather stileish video; and 3.) a Star Wars - Lego - stopmotion short film.
Enjoy them, any critics/feedback is warmly welcomed; keep on beeing inspired!

1.) "For real"

2.) "What is it good for?"

3.) "Mos Eisley Action"

Friday, 25 July 2008

Project Vienna - #2 - 25 July 2008: Peer - rote Linie - Muse - gemeinsames Projekt

Project Vienna ist nun in der Sommerphase, und es ist bis jetzt noch nichts neues Entstanden, außer das täglich gewohnte kreative Schreiben.

Aber meine Mutter und beim Schreiben heute auf der Universität, ist die Idee eines Peer Gesprächs entstanden.

Deshalb rufe ich jeden auf, der mit mir (mit oder ohne Bezahlung), künstlerisch oder nicht, ein gemeinsames Projekt zur Formulierung meiner Ansätze im Gespräch wagt.

Dieses Projekt (nach derzeitiger Vorstellung), würde beinhalten:
Gespräche zu inspirativen Themen.
Dies soll den Zweck haben, meine Gedanken zu konzentrieren auf Themen, die zumindest für uns zwei aktuell sind und konstruktives, zielorientiertes Feedback und Kritik fördert.
Weiters soll der/die Peer gewährleisten, dass eine gewisse rote Linie vorhanden und eine Verständlichkeit beibehalten wird.

Der/die Peer soll sozusagen den rote Faden, welchen ich derzeit verzweifelt, ohne Erfolg suche, ersetzen, und somit eine Art Muse sein.
Ein Gedanken-Partner, ein Wächter des Konzeptes und der Zielorientierung.

Parallel zu diesen Gesprächen, soll dann das Fazit jener Gespräche, kreativ, aber zumindest schriftlich, in Stichworten, Assoziationen und Volltext, sowie Gedicht und Geschichte, als Gesamtpaket, Kapitelweise zu jeden Begriff/Thema/Konzept entstehen.

Ich würde mich über jeden freuen der sich Zeit nehmen will und dieses Projekt, intensiv mit mir noch in den Ferien, über 1-2 Wochen durchziehen will.
Ziel ist ein Art Essayband, der im besten Fall ein Gesamtkonzept behandelt.

Dies setzt intensive Recherche und Leidenschaft vorraus, nicht jedoch unbedingt eine gleiche Meinung (vielleicht sogar absichtlich keine gleiche Meinung). Am wichtigsten ist die gemeinsame Produktivität, so dass ein roter Faden erhalten bleibt und auch progressiv, diesem roten Faden/Pattern, Zielgerichtet gefolgt wird.

Also ist Recherche für Kompetenz und ganz besonders kompetente Zielgerichtetheit, Kern des Projekts und somit von höchster Wichtigkeit.

Wieso, das ganze?
Naja, weil ich eben derzeit keinen Ansatz für ein größeres Projekt finden kann.
Somit erhoffe ich mir in einer Partnerschaft mit einem Peer, diese Konzept/Pattern/roten Faden finden zu können.
Außerdem bin ich ein Freund des Gesprächs und bekomme dabei die meisten Anstöße und Anregungen, die sich dann in Post-Gesprächs-Schreiborgien entladen.

Wichtig ist auch nur ein Peer, und keine Diskussionsgruppe oder Öffentlichkeit, denn ich habe diese Kompetenz noch nicht, in jeder Situation kreativ sein zu können.

Außerdem, glaube ich, verspricht die Konzentration auf einen, oder wenige, aber gut bekannte, eine hohe Effizienz, der Kooperation und Ideenaustausch.

...und ganz besonders ist es ein guter Einstieg in das kreative, für die Öffentlichkeit gemachte Schaffen, wenn man bei einem Dialog beginnt. Man kann im Nachhinein ja ausweiten!

Danke für eure Geduld dies zu lesen.
May the force be with you, and live long and prosperly, to boldly go on!
Yours AG

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Project Vienna - #1 - 05 June 2008

At the moment, we are looking, for a concept, for our first project called "Project Vienna".

But as there is no "we", yet, ("we" =) the project is looking for participants, online or in the neighbourhood of Vienna (Austria).

Recently suggested concepts:

Short movie - about the big bang, and the evolution to believes and ideologies, till the end of time. In cooperation with professional and/or student artists.

Essay - Publishing an essay, about a mix of critical theories. And then introducing them through readings.

Events - Arranging discussions and seminars, for introducing people and theories.

Public work - by simply spreading the word of visions, through normal or public work. Get connected and interact.

As said, this project is still a one man project, and mainly based on these single ideas, but it is understood, that ideas are lost, if they are not connected and are not interacting with others.

Not only creating visions, but to translate them, and then activate them, is the clue.

Break the ice of lonely visioneers, and get together, but be NEVER afraid of losing your integrity and visions through contact, because then you burry your dreams yourself.

...get inspired here.